Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Desperately Seeking Sponsors

I have a dream.

I have a dream that one day I will live in the funkiest warehouse apartment ever, and that when I first move in it will be a realio trulio proper warehouse awaiting a little bit of elbow grease and know how.

I have a dream that I will have a number of japanesey screens that I will move around my warehouse apartment to change the room configuration on a whim.

I have a dream that I will live like Tom Hanks in Big, Eddie Murphy in Boomerang, or a lady called Madeleine who lives in the warehouse on the corner of Probert St and Salisbury Rd in Camperdown and has a fantastic dining table made out of old science desks.

This has been a dream for sometime, and tonight... not half an hour ago... my heart skipped a beat as the dream became slightly more attainable. I now feel deflated as I realise the property in question will earn a pretty penny and that we probably could not afford it as is, let alone afford to buy it and convert it into a chic warehouse with an indoor courtyard and a flexible floorplan. But imagine the cosmopolitan lifestyle we could all lead within these walls...

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