Thursday, October 22, 2009

Andrew YAY!

Yesterday was a bad day. Whether the attitude shaped the scenario, or the scenario shaped the attitude, I am not sure (yes... I AM dipping my toe into UC Berkeley's Sociology 150A), but I know that today I am making a concerted effort to avoid all elements that may affect a fresh, pristine attitude. Rightly or wrongly, that means shunning technology. Clearly not entirely, for this is not written with pen and ink and put in an envelope addressed to 'Nobody, Nowhere', but I will not be tending my farm on Farmville today, nor greeting tour buses on Roller Coaster Kingdom, nor murdering creeps for the unholy crime of trying to get from 'a' to 'b' in Desktop Tower Defence. Neither will I be checking Facebook for dull status updates ('Natalie is having a late lunch', 'Andrew YAY'), continuing the so far fruitless search for an interesting blog from an unknown author or searching for a skilled stranger to visit my home and fix the oven. Instead, I am going to spend some hours reading a book. A real one... made out of paper.

It's not that I spend a large percentage of my day doing those things on an average (quiet) day, but I suspect that less interaction with the technological world may be the antedote to what ails me... today, anyway. I'm hardly going to be Amish about it, but until tonight when I hope to regroup with a bunch of pals to fight a valiant war of wits against the quizmaster at the Rose of Australia in Erskineville, I am just goin' to be chillin', okay?

1 comment:

  1. Can you let me know your thoughts on that book when you're done? I had filed it under "it got good reviews but the twee title shits me so I probably won't read it out of stupid principle". Like "A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian". You know, I reckon you'd be able to find a blog ranting about this sort of publishing carry-on.

    ps you've been busy on the blog!
