Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Idea for Blog #1

Tales from Urbia - A photojournal of the peculiarities of life in Urban Sydney. The first photo I need to take is from the nature strip of an older greek couple in a street near the train line, who earlier today were standing in their tiled front yard waving off their adult daughter when I walked past. Their nature strip features two symmetrically carved out circles of grass in the centre of which are planted two saplings. Surrounding their thin trunks, in two complete and nigh on perfect circles, are 200mL bottles with varying lid colours, filled with water and placed in the garden in line with the popular theory of the late eighties that a plastic bottle of water repels dogs seeking a place to urinate. It is the particularity and neatness of this scene that gets me.

A few metres down the road, another house features a galvanised garden sculpture of a thin anchor replica... half buried. I need to return with my camera.

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