Monday, November 9, 2009

I'm Not Talking To You (or Reasons I Think I Am Great)

Want to know what makes me tick?

Eh... who am I kidding?

Want to pretend for a second that you don't know exactly what makes me tick so that I can tell you a story about something that has brought me immense joy today?

As regular readers (x2) will know, I have found myself, over the last couple of days, stuck on the thought of my dear, kind friend recovering in hospital from brain surgery... unable to speak.  I am still no closer to fathoming how I (or anyone) would deal with being rendered mute after 30 odd years of verbal diarrhea, and as a result I have had increasing determination to find a way to give N a little holiday from her head... somehow.

At first, I thought I would enlist the help of my virtual friends to seek out the things that have made them smile in recent memory, thinking that i could compile these in some sort of scrapbook of silliness that might send a little flicker of a smile across N's face... even if just for a moment.  I wanted to give her something tangible that was outside the realms of chocolate, flowers and cards, but I also wanted to solve the communication problem.  I wanted to try and help give her words back, because I really strongly feel that the world is worse off without her voice.

At the risk of sounding gloaty, I am so pleased with what I came up with.  Several hours of photoshop later (results pictured above), and a coupla bucks dropped at the t-shirt printing place in Bondi, earlier tonight, his and hers t-shirts were delivered.  Left them hanging from the doorknob of their empty house, awaiting the occupant's return late in the evening when visiting hours at the hospital are over.

So here's where you find out what makes me tick (oh, the suspense must be killing you!).  A couple of hours ago I received a text message from her good man which is remarkable given the radio silence he has opted for lately.  'Brilliant!  I will wear it tomorrow.  She'll love it'. 

That means I made him smile, just for a minute, and tomorrow... she might smile too... and that is everything i live for.  Everything.


  1. My favourite is "eye spy?"

    I also loved how you differentiated between sweet snack and savoury snack. So critical.

  2. oh jrs i hope your friend is ok. Had a weekend hiatus from all things internet and a full two days of parental chaperoning and kitchen-trim-painting, and only read your posts this morning. Your t-shirts were such a lovely thing to have done for your friends.

  3. I liked 'eye spy?' too, but i'm worried that they will run out of things to play the game with pretty quickly. And if i couldn't talk I would really need to get across that I did not feel like chocolate right now, but a chip would go down well.

    Sorry about the downers. Next post will be about the little kids I filmed with today.
