Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Madcap Ideas Conceived by a Younger Me

There were many things I was going to do with this life of mine as a younger, inspired traveller of the world circa 2002. Not big life things - those questions have never been close to resolution - but small projects, like learning to speak Italian and play the guitar. I also had ideas for a number of 'creative projects' that I would produce and sell at an edgy market stall in an undetermined public school playground of Sydney. It wouldn't make me rich, but it would certainly classify me as bohemian and at that stage of my life, that was all i dared hope for.

One such project's prototype ended up on a dear friend's wall for a few months - a felt patchwork triptych... a description which is giving the thing more kudos than it ever deserved. Another idea's protoype is on the wall of my bathroom awaiting improvement on methods of construction before mass production can be commenced. Though I still like the idea and was happy with the aesthetic, unfortunately, the world now knows about prints on canvas, and market stalls are chock full of them.

A third idea hurtled ahead of the others and made it to production stage ... and fifteen completed items have been packaged and stockpiled somewhere in the attic. These will be the items displayed in a basket arranged with tissue paper and uncooked rice on the counter of the stall, sold for $5 a piece. Without a big ticket item to furnish the remaining three dimensions of my stall, in the attic my Sydney skyline matchbook magnets will remain.

And then there were was the idea of a range of unique, musically(lyrically?) inspired gift cards featuring the most poignant of lyrics to meaningfully celebrate the occasions of weddings, birthdays, thank you's, and unrequited love (always a musical tendency of mine). At the time, I was unconcerned about the copyright restrictions of the images and lyrics that I intended to incorporate in the designs, and I still may be (note to self: seek legal advice), but tonight I finally made my first prototype (above) for a condolence card or perhaps, more specifically, a card for somebody called Angie. Is this the way to fund my future and my warehouse dream?

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